What’s New in Apple’s Latest Operating System?
April 23, 2024 0 By Jess LivingstonApple is offering new ways to manage notifications and customize lock screens. They’ve also implemented live updates for sporting events so users can keep tabs on scores without unlocking their phones.
Apple is offering the new update with features such as iCloud Shared Photo Library that enables up to five people to create albums that they all can call home, as well as expanding its AI technology for recognizing subjects in photos and videos.
1. Live Text
iOS 16 continues Apple’s iPhone operating system’s progression with its latest upgrade – no major transformation but rather an incremental extension of features we know and rely on.
If you’re at a restaurant and can’t understand what a patron ordered at their table, the iPhone now features text recognition to translate or convert currency – even video!
Other upgrades include an updated battery indicator that shows your phone’s current percentage at all times, new keyboard for Choctaw and Chickasaw languages and support for Matter smart home connectivity standard in Home app. There have also been improvements made to Photos and Messages; for instance you can now lock an album with password protection in Photos app as well as disable featured content.
2. Camera
Apple continues its drive to improve the iPhone camera with iOS 16. This latest update adds a feature that automatically dims video content depicting flashing or strobing lights, making the video content safer to view. This option can be found under Accessibility menu as a new option.
Notable improvements also include customizable Lock screen elements, the ability to edit and unsend in iMessage, undo send in Mail and more. Furthermore, Maps now displays distances in miles and kilometers by default.
Apple Music users will also appreciate a revamped lock screen widget, the ability to sort genres, and a SharePlay feature that lets users share songs while chatting in Messages. Furthermore, iOS 16 encourages developer integration for its city experience views with apps like Bird making scooters and bikes easier to locate while Zillow incorporates high-resolution imagery in its homes view.
3. Maps
Apple’s latest operating system brings updates designed to make travel and relocation simpler for iPhone users, including an update that makes planning routes with multiple stops simpler, as well as improving ride-sharing services like Bird.
Add transit cards directly to Wallet, view low balances and replenish cards without ever leaving Maps! Plus, there’s even an accessibility feature which automatically provides VoiceOver users haptic feedback and audio cues to help identify starting points for walking directions.
iOS 16 introduces a new tool, Safety Check, designed specifically to aid those experiencing or at risk of domestic violence. It serves as a central dashboard that lets you quickly reset location and data sharing permissions as well as assess who has access to your phone.
4. Music
Apple introduced macOS Big Sur with an eye towards iPadOS, offering a refreshed Dock with uniform square icons and an interface more reminiscent of iOS. Furthermore, its System Settings have also been upgraded for an easier layout.
El Capitan introduced iOS-like benefits to Mac, such as faster performance that makes launching applications quicker. Furthermore, El Capitan also features an innovative new feature allowing users to unlock their Mac with an Apple Watch.
Sierra focuses on streamlining daily tasks and minimizing clutter, with features such as Continuity on iPhone allowing users to see Mac display through Continuity as well as Storage Boost that finds ways to free up space. There is also a new Game Mode which allows users to trigger video effects during Zoom, FaceTime or Google Meet calls.
5. Messages
Messages on macOS now offers a feature to synchronize video and audio playback, making sharing streaming videos with someone easy, as both parties can manage playback together.
Continuity Camera allows your iPhone to act as a webcam on your Mac without you needing to open or select its camera manually. Once activated, your Mac will detect your iPhone and use its camera without prompting you for input or selecting anything manually.
Yosemite also introduced Handoff, which lets users seamlessly transition between devices. Apple updated their system font to San Francisco and Mail gained Markup support. El Capitan introduced an innovative file-management feature known as APFS used by all three operating systems tvOS, iOS and watchOS; apps opened 40% faster thanks to Split View dual pane multitasking; Stage Manager provided a way for desktop users to manage windows efficiently; System Preferences were renamed System Settings as part of its updates; it made apps open 40% faster overall!